Pronouns may be divided into groups such as Personal Pronoun, Reflexive Pronoun, Possessive Pronoun, Interrogative Pronoun, Relative Pronoun, Demonstrative Pronoun, and Indefinite Pronoun. Personal Pronouns Nominative = to direct the subject; Accusative = to direct the direct object; Dative = …
Nouns are words that can be used to name anything, including all living and non-living things in the ecosystem, actions, processes and states of being. It is also one of the parts of speech. Each German noun contains one the …
Cases (Kasus) Cases are known in German as Kasus [ˈkaːzʊs]. German contains four cases such as the Nominative, Accusative, Dative, and Genitive. Nominative can be used for the subject of a Verb Accusative can be used for the direct object …
German Pronunciation (Deutsche Aussprache) In German, the pronunciation is known as Aussprache [ˈausʃpraːxə]. It is the process of producing a unique sound from the letters of the alphabet that are positioned to form a word in a language using a …
The German alphabet contains the same 26 letters as the English alphabet. It also contains four additional letters, including the umlaut vowels (i.e., ä, ö, ü) and the ligature ß (known in German as Eszett, or scharfes S). The following …
PONS Online Dictionary PONS Online Dictionary offers free dictionary with German spelling and full-text translations. It is provided by PONS, a leading language publisher in the Germany. The PONS free online dictionary is also available on the applications such as …
The German Language is called in German as “Deutsch”, which is one of the major languages of the world and is the second most widely spoken native language in the European Union. The most important facts about German as follows: …