German Adjectives
Adjectives are words that are usually placed before nouns to describe them. It is also one of the parts of speech. Adjectives in German can be divided into three categories, such as attributive adjectives, predicative adjectives and adverbial adjectives.
Adjectives that take the first position in a sentence, before the noun, are called attributive adjectives. In German, the attributive adjective is inflected by cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive), genders (masculine, feminine, neuter) and numbers (singular, plural).
Predicate adjectives that are not inflected.
Adjectives are also used in degrees of comparison, such as positive, comparative, and superlative.
The following is an exploration of some of the most commonly used adjectives in the German language:
Adjectives | Meaning |
gut | good |
schlecht | bad |
interessant | interesting |
langweilig | boring |
lang | long |
kurz | short |
heiß | hot |
kalt | cold |
groß | big |
klein | small |
teuer | expensive |
billig | cheap |
hungrig | hungry |
dünn | thin |
dick | fat |
viel | much |
wenig | few |
jung | young |
alt | old |
früh | early |
spät | late |
dunkel | dark |
frisch | fresh |
kühl | cool |
warm | warm |
stark | strong |
schwach | weak |
hübsch | pretty |